Car Wash - Detail - Oil Change 516-431-2555
Mechanic - Repairs - Inspection 516-382-0885
iPark Auto Plaza
Supporting the Community
iPark Auto Plaza continues to support the community.

Long Beach Chamber of Commerce 2016
Les jacobs
Anthony P. D'Esposito - Hempstead Town Councilman
Anthony J. Santino - Town of Hempstead Supervisor #shoplocal
* Bobbi & the Strays
* Good Karma Food Drive
* Island Park FD
* Island Park Little League
* Island Park Middle School
* Kiwanis Island Park
* Lawrence Golf Club Women's Division, Inc.
* LB Polar Bears
* Let's Walk, Let's Talk
* Lions Club of Long Beach
* Long Beach Catholic Regional School
* Long Beach East School
* Long Beach Food Bank
* Long Beach Sharks Hockey
* Long Beach West School
* Long Island Crisis Center
* Make-A-Wish Foundation
* Men's Senior Baseball League
* Oceanside Elementary 9E
* Play for PINK
* Point Lookout Toys for Disabled Children
* South Nassau Communities Hospital
* South Oceanside Road School #4
* Surf2Live
* Temple Emmanuel
* Temple Zion
* The Long Beach Christmas Angel Holiday Party
* Wounded Warriors Project